So, here's what I want to know: Is there etiquette for carpool lines? I think that the answer is YES!!! Others must not agree. Or, their form of etiquette is different than mine. Here's the situation. As I drive up to the school yesterday, there are a few mothers already there (and to be fair, maybe some dads too). There is a particular point where a merge happens, and yesterday before the merge area, in Line 1 (let's just call it that) there are 2 SUV's parked waaaaaaaay back so there is a big gap between them and the rest of the line. I start to panic. I'm not sure what to do. Should I get behind them and wait for them to pull up? Should I fill in the gap? Go to the other lane? So, I take the easy way out and drive up to the front of the merge lane, let's call that Line 2. Whew.
Then I notice that right up in front (right were the kids come off the curb and get into the cars, which is really the BEST spot because you can see the kids getting out of school - it's like a little bit of spying, but not really) there are 2 cars and another BIIIIIIIGGGGG gap, then 3 more cars. I am right even with the back of the last car. Should I fill in the gap? I could have - but why had they made the gap? Was there something I didn't know? What should I do? I decide to follow the rules (because I like rules and I like to follow them...) and I sit in my legally earned spot. First in line 2.
Two minutes later, a woman drives up behind me and as I glance in my rearview mirror, I see her making crazy hand gestures. She is urging me to move up and fill in the gap at the front of the line. I don't get these gaps, but moving up just doesn't seem right to me. Seems like breaking in line. She can't get around me. I pretend to ignore her. She gets her carpool number plate out and shoves it into the windshield - I think it's so she can show me that she is number 1. Number 1 - like she's better than me because she is number 1. But I know the truth - these numbers are just given out in the order you go through the line. Not by who is the best. Or who the principal likes the best. Or even who knows the most about carpool. Of course, I've been at this school for a whole 6 days, so I know :)
Oh well. She thinks I'm looking again, so she starts with the gestures - this time with more urgency. And her face looks a little distressed and a lot annoyed. This continued for the next 30 minutes (yes, I get there early - I have good books to read :) Every time she thought I was looking, her hands started flying around. I got a strange satisfaction out of ignoring her. That's not nice, is it??
Then, after a while she got out of her car - not to talk to me (whew) but to talk to someone else. Then the line started to move, so I merged. And she didn't get in her car - SO SHE GOT HONKED AT!!! Again, satisfaction. And I know - that's not right. Why does carpool bring this bad side out in me?
Today as I drove in, I had a little apprehension. I was hoping that the line would be simple. And it was. And who was the first in line? Good old number 1... :)
Have a great weekend! I'm glad to have Bennett home for 2 days!
oh my that story just cracks me up. i would have had a bit of satisfaction at that also. and laughed under my breath.
THAT is so funny. I did car pool a few times with Cole in Kindergarten, but luckily I didn't have to last year or this year. It's very confusing!! i would have gotten a great deal of satisfaction when she got honked at - that's too funny!!!
there really should be carpool rules. I don't know what getting behind the wheel of a car does to otherwise polite, sane people, but its nutz. Glad to see you are doing well with Bennett in Kindergarten.
I have to know who #1 is. I will ask my inside connections!!!
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