Thursday, July 10, 2008

Say What??

Did you know that your legs have pits? As in 'leg pits'... As in 'mom, I just have to wash my leg pits and then I'll be ready to get out of the shower'... Apparently, to a 5 year old, a leg pit is the part of your leg behind your knee. Makes perfect sense, I guess. Have you washed yours today? :)

Bennett says the funniest things! Now, if you know him, you know that he has plenty of time to say funny things, because he talks ALL THE TIME. I love that he is a talker (most of the time, anyway). And his vocabulary is really impressive - he even knows some words that I've heard of, but probably couldn't use properly (like lexicon, for example)!! He learns a lot of these words from watching Word Girl on PBS. Have you seen this show? It really is great (and entertaining for the adults too...) Word up, it's Word Girl!!

Anyway, he's not usually trying to be funny, but when you hear things like 'mommy, why does everything have to be SO difficult?' or 'mommy, I was disappointed to see that you didn't put the top on my cup well and it leaked everywhere' you have to chuckle. I mean, what the heck? Who says things like that??  And just when I begin to think he might be a child genius, he yells 'NO!' and speeds away on his scooter when I tell him that it's time to go home, proving that he really is only 5...  I wouldn't want it any other way :)

One day I want to take a pencil and paper with me and write down all of the things he says in a day (as well as all of the QUESTIONS - they are non-stop!!). You probably would think that I was making it all up. Just yesterday we covered questions about dinosaurs, snakes, robbers, leg casts, airplanes, parachutes, and Borneo all in a 15 minute ride home! Moments of peace and quiet really are rare around here. Poor Brad...

We've had a good week - Bennett has been at zoo camp and has had a great time. Tomorrow is water-fountain day and he is psyched. I've been working on a few things as I consider trying out for a local scrapbook store's design team. I've never done anything like this before - but it has been fun trying to get a few things together.

We've also had a tough week - Papa has been in the hospital since Sunday with a broken leg. They have since learned that the cause for the break is metastatic prostate cancer, which is also effecting his kidney. He's having surgery in the morning - if you'd pray for him, I'd really appreciate it. thanks :)

Ok, off to read a little before I go to sleep. Our book club is reading Escape by Carolyn Jessop. Have you read it? I'll let you know what I think... Good night.

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