Bennett: 'Mommy, I've been thinking... You know what I think is unfair?'
Me: 'Nope. What?'
Bennett: 'That girls have to cover their whole bodies and boys don't.'
Me: 'Hmmm. What do you mean? Like at the pool? Girls have to wear tops and boys don't?'
Bennett: 'Yeah, I mean if girls want to have no cover on their... you know, boobies, their privates, then they should be able to not cover them just like boys don't have to.'
Brad: (smirking) 'Yeah, you're right! I think that's a great idea!'
Me: 'Well, I don't think the ladies really mind wearing tops... Maybe to make it fair, the boys should just have to wear tops all the time too'
Bennett: 'Maybe that would work. We just want everything to be fair so no one is sad.'
Me: 'You know what I always say: Life isn't fair...'
Bennett: 'Yeah, that's what you always say.'
Brad: 'I just think it should be...'
Me: 'Yeah, whatever!!'
I promise, I can't make this stuff up...
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