Thursday, August 7, 2008

I survived!!

We did it!! We survived the first day of kindergarten!! I admit it - I cried. A lot. But only for a little while :)  The worst was when I realized that I forgot to pin his gingerbread man name tag on him before he got out of the car. Talk about guilt. But, you know what? He didn't even realize it - when I asked him about it, he told me that I wasn't supposed to put it on him, that they did it at school. Not true, but...whew.

So, of course the camera was in full force this morning and afternoon. In fact, this afternoon, over a cupcake Bennett asked 'So, how did those pictures turn out this morning?' :)

Here he is in the 'First Day of School' spot...
Good-bye mom!! (Hurry drive away... don't cry yet... slow down - don't miss this... don't cry!!)

A little Edgar's cupcake to celebrate after school...

Look! Brad's mom and dad sent me flowers!!! So sweet! (Bennett calls them Mooma & Poopa) :)

So, I did it. He did it. The first day was overall a success - and when he got in the van this afternoon I asked him how his day was. He said 'Good. I'm gonna go back!' :)

Thank you for all of your prayers today! They really helped me through it. I am thankful that Bennett was so excited to go to school. I am thankful that his day was so great. I am thankful for the prayer breakfast at church. I am thankful for freshly pedicured toes. I am thankful for snuggles on the couch this afternoon. I am thankful for Bennett and the opportunity to be his mommy. I am thankful.

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