Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Today's the big day...

You know what today is? No, not the election... it is Angie's birthday!! My little sis turns 29 today! Happy Birthday Ang! 
I can't imagine what I'd be without Angie in my life... who would I shop with? who would I complain about certain family members to? who would help convince me that we are the normal ones in the family? who would share our inside jokes? I just can't imagine the past 29 years without her!

So, when you are out voting today, please say a little birthday prayer for Angie. She is such a blessing to my life and I hope that this year is a great one! 

Oh, and Bennett said that he thought that as a birthday present I could vote for Angie for President. Actually, it's not a bad idea :)

Love you, Ang!

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