Wednesday, June 17, 2009

in the good 'ole summertime...

Each year for the past 5 years, Bennett and I have had a great time at Asbury's Vacation Bible School. Yes, you read that right, since Bennett was 2 years old, we have been at VBS each year!! I started volunteering so that we could get out and meet people - and it worked!! I met so many great friends - and Bennett did too!!

This year our theme was Camp EDGE, and once again it was a great time for both of us! Kelly and I headed up crafts and had awesome volunteers that helped 600 kids make popsicle boxes and paint canvases. Bennett had a great group with Mrs. Julie and Mrs. Susie as leaders. Here are Bennett and Connor singing on Thursday night.
There is NOTHING like seeing Bennett worship God in song. Love it!! Here we are are at assembly early one morning...
Each day the kids filled out prayer cards and then exchanged them to pray for each other at night. Twice we got a card from Connor saying 'I hope Bennett stays safe'. So sweet :)

On Wednesday night we had a huge first at our house... Bennett had a friend spend the night. The boys had a GREAT time - and I was a nervous wreck :) It was so strange having another child in the house!! They had so much fun - playing the wii, star wars, taking a bath, eating dinner (burritos and quesadillas), and sleeping in Bennett's bed.

And, yes, they did actually sleep. In fact, they were asleep shortly after 9!! No kidding!!
We are off to a great start for our summer. It's getting too hot to do anything except run in and out of air conditioned buildings or go to the pool. That's alright by me :)

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