Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Project Life 2012 Week 8

February 22 was Ash Wednesday and Bennett had a schedule conflict... his baseball team had a practice AND he was signed up to be the acolyte at the service that night at church. Now, our stand on baseball is that once we sign up for the team, we will do all that we can to make it to every practice and game scheduled. But, of course, church is always the most important (which is why we play in a league that doesn't have Sunday and Wednesday games!)  

Anyway, I was telling Bennett about this conflict, figuring that he was going to say that I should call Mrs. Kim and tell her that he wouldn't be able to acolyte, but instead he said 'Well, baseball is a lot of fun, but church is more important. I'll just have to tell Coach that I can't make it to practice. I think he'll understand'.  Wow. How can it be that he's only 8 years old and already so smart? :)  In our Sunday School lessons with the boys we had been talking about making the right decision, even when it is the hard decision. And Bennett proved that he was listening! :)

Of course, our Coach agreed that he couldn't argue with that logic, so we headed to church on Wednesday night. The church service was very crowded, but since we were with Bennett, we got to sit right up front. We were the first ones to get the ashes on our foreheads, and the person who put them on was a guest preacher. He looked at Brad's head and said 'Oh! I love bald heads!!' and proceded to put the biggest ash cross I've ever seen! We couldn't help but get tickled about it... 

The Ash Wednesday service is so special - a wonderful way to begin the season of Lent.

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On the 23rd Bennett got a haircut and he looked so handsome! He even let me take his picture in the backyard...
Please note that it is February and Bennett is wearing shorts! It has been really warm here, but even if it is cool, he's a shorts-guy all the way! I was trying to fight it for a little while, but then I decided that I had bigger things to worry about :)

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