Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Everyone once in a while a gem comes home in the backpack. Don't get me wrong... I love the spelling tests and math worksheets. I also love the stories that he's written and illustrated. And the book order forms and library books. But a few weeks ago, this priceless gem made its way into my hands...
This is a self portrait - made during the first week or so of school.

The 'I Am' Poem...
Each and every blank is SO Bennett. I love it. It is now hanging in my pantry where I see it often. 
He says: 
I am Hungry... I say, that's true. He's always hungry!

He says: 
I wonder if my aunt will have a boy... I say, that's so true. He's so excited about being a cousin (and hoping the baby is a boy.) I love it when he says 'How's the baby going, Gigi?' 

He says:
I want the Galactic Battle... I say, SO TRUE!! We ordered our Galactic Battle game board in July and he's religiously checked the mail EVERY DAY since looking for it. I've tried to explain how things take time... he's persistent. Can't imagine where that comes from?!?!?

He says:
I pretend I am a Jedi... I say, yep. All the time. ALL THE TIME. I get to be Leia. Or Padme.

He says:
I touch almost everything... I say - way to be honest! And how else do you learn about things if you don't touch them, right??

He says:
I worry about Bubba's dad... I say, sweet, sweet boy. He was very sad to hear that Bubba's dad was sick and even sadder to hear of his passing. He wanted to go to the funeral. Sweet boy.

He says:
I cry when something sad happens... I say, he's so tender hearted. He can be tough. And he's learning to hold his tears back (which - is that a good thing?? I'm not so sure...) but I can see his face when he's doing it - and it makes ME want to cry! Just today he got upset about some confusion at carpool. It was all I could do to get in home so I could hug him. Love that boy!

He says:
I understand this poem... I say, ha! So funny and matter-of-fact :)

He says: 
I dream different... I say, good for you! I know that he's probably thinking about this night-time dreams. But I think that he has big dreams, and I think he can do anything he puts his mind to! I can't wait to see where he's headed. Well, I CAN wait... he can slow down a bit!

Sometimes me heart is filled to over-flowing. Emotions that I've only felt as a mother. Such a blessing.

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